Extinction Core Wiki

Similar to normal ARK, Extinction Core Creatures can be tamed in a variety of methods, such as Passive, Knock Out (KO), Saddle, Savage Neutral and Upgrade Taming. Depending on the creature and their methods, it is advised to review and decide which creature may benefit your pack as you grow and tame.

Please note that Alpha creatures can only be tamed using their preferred kibble, herbivore/carnivore treats, or with Xeno kibble. Click here for more information about preferred kibbles.

Passive Taming[]

Passive Taming is similar to the normal style of Passive Taming from ARK, which is listed below for convenience.

Vanilla Ark Dinos (Herbivore)[]

  1. Put the taming food in your 0 (zero) slot.
  2. Get close enough to the herbivore creature that it will say "[E] Feed..." on it.
  3. Press 'E' on it.
  4. Taming bar will show the taming progress.
  5. Repeat 1-4 until it's successfully tamed.

Extinction Core Herbivore Alpha Creatures[]

  1. If the creature is naturally aggressive you will need to obtain a Herbivore helmet.
  2. Equip the Herbivore helmet.
  3. Put the kibble in your 0 (zero) slot.
  4. Get close enough to the creature that it will say "[E] Feed..." on it.
  5. Press 'E' on it.
  6. Taming bar will show the taming progress.
  7. Repeat 3-6 until it's successfully tamed.

Please note that if the creature is naturally an aggressive tame, you will need to take extra caution while taming as to not walk into its' pathing. It may also be beneficial to incapacitate or kill all nearby animals so it may not randomly attack them, while also considering moving player tamed creatures away incase of accidental fighting or killing.

KO Taming[]

KO Taming ("Knock Out") is similar to the normal ARK process of knocking a creature out and feeding it until the taming bar maxes out.

For early game tames, players can use the default ark Tranquilizer Arrows or Tranquilizer Darts to help assist, however Extinction Core adds additonal Tranq items such as the Tranq Spear, Tranq Pike and extremely powerful Compound Tranquilizer Arrow. All of these items can be used on any Normal or Alpha creature and once the creature is unconcious, the taming can begin.

Please take note that Extinction Core Creatures lose torpor at a massively increased rate compared to normal ARK creatures and so it is best advised to bring Sedatives, Opiate/Potent Opiate and/or other Torpor Inflicting Items to help keep them unconscious for longer. Sedatives and Opiates may be more viable however as these items remove food from the dino and so they are hungrier and tame faster.

Vanilla Ark and Extinction Core Taming[]

  1. Shoot the creature with Tranq related items until it's knocked out.
  2. Put the preferred/required food in the creature inventory.
  3. Wait until the creature is tamed. Take this time to clear the area of nearby creatures to prevent interventions and force-feed more narcotics to keep the creature knocked out.
  4. (Bonus) Use Sedatives or Opiates to increase the creatures hunger, forcing them to eat more and tame faster.

It is worth noting that if a creature dies while unconcious, they will not provide any bonus items that they would normally drop and so Survivors have taken to measures such as knocking out powerful creatures, harming them to near-death and waiting for them to awaken before killing. This sneaky idea means Survivors can effortlessly harm a powerful creature just enough and kill them once awake that they will drop their items they normally would if fought by default. (EG: Giga Skulls and Arms, Argentavis talons, Tribesmen items etc).

Saddle Taming[]

Saddle Taming is a unique method of taming provided by Extinction Core and can be used on creatures such as the Ubers/Bosses. (Megapithicus, DodoWyvern, DodoRex, Broodmother etc)

Performing Saddle Taming[]

  1. Knock out the creature in a similar fashion to KO taming.
  2. Once unconcsious, open the inventory of the creature and drag the Saddle to the Saddle Slot.
  3. The creature will now be instantly tamed at maximum affinity (unless the Survivor waits too long)
  4. (Bonus) Boss Creatures tamed will remain unconcious until their torpor runs out. Please note that Boss Creatures lose torpor at a very rapid rate and so it shouldn't take long.

For Bosses, you cannot remove the saddle after you put it! It will be permanently locked on that creature. Boss Creatures can be uploaded to the ARK, however this will destroy the saddle and a new one will need crafted for the downloaded boss to be ridden upon. If external mods are used to upgrade the quality or tier of a saddle, this must be done prior to the tame as it cannot be upgraded once attached.

Savage Taming[]

Savage Taming is the act of letting the animal you are attempting to tame kill your live and tamed animals. Savage Taming has been proven to be a difficult method of taming as many factors are needed to prevent issues occurring during the tame that will remove the attempt or kill the taming animal. More information on this can be found in the Troodon section of the official ARK wiki.

Such taming can only be performed when animals are allowed to be killed by an attacker (the animal you wish to tame) and can be achieved only if the sacrifice is NOT on passive, but can be pre-damaged (<100% full health) or even unconscious and must also not be rode upon/mounted by any players. Studies have shown that Babies and Adults will drop the same amount of experience for the tame.

Please note that just like normal taming methods, there's a period of rest between each tame. In cases like these, it's best to allow one sacrificed animal followed by a period of time where the creature is left alone before attempting another sacrifice. In the case of a Troodon (for example), their taming affinity and progress will not reset if they attack (or are attacked) by other wild creatures, but may reset if the player attempts to fight it.

Neutral Taming[]

Neutral Taming is a rare form of taming in which the player provides certain resources for creatures and allows them to do it themselves. Such a case would be the Prime Titanoboa.

Performing a Neutral Tame (Titanoboa)[]

  1. (Preperation) Prime Titanoboas (similar to normal ARK titanos) require Fertile Eggs. Prepare yourself with a stockpile of Fertile eggs.
  2. Find the creature and approach it, this may cause the creature to consider you hostile and attack, so distance is advised.
  3. Drop the fertile eggs from the player inventory and escape as fast as you can.
  4. Allow the creature to return to "normal", if it notices the fertile egg, it will consume the egg and taming will begin.
  5. Repeat the above steps until the creature is tamed.

As Prime Titanoboas have a large aggro range, many Survivors employ tactics such as trapping the creature within Behemoth Gates and Walls so it cannot escape or fight anything else. At this point, players can either hide on top of the gates and throw eggs down, or use a flying tame and drop eggs from the air. Please note that all dropped eggs must be done from the player inventory as eggs dropped from mounts are ignored or consumed without taming progress.

Upgrade Taming[]

Please note that Upgrade Taming is available for Reaper Kings, and Black Alpha Tribesmen.

Upgrade Taming is a rather unique way of taming by "Upgrading" the current animal into a better version via the crafting of items. Please take extreme note and warning that upgrade items are consumed regardless of success, so all steps below should be followed to allow for the highest chance of success.

Upgrading Guidelines/Precautions:[]

  • Make sure the dino is MAX LEVEL, and MAX EXPERIENCE.
  • Make sure the dino has NO BUFFS. This includes Yuty buffs, Awesome Teleporter Mod Dino Tracker Buff, and other "buffs" that other mods or items may give.
  • Make sure NO TIMERS are going in the dino's inventory. These are Blood Vial Cooldowns, Eating Cooldowns, Etc.
  • Make sure to use the upgrade on your dino while it is AWAY from your base and all other dinos, this prevents the possibility of creature death or fights.
  • Make sure your dino has enough WEIGHT to hold all the items that you'll need to craft the upgrade. The upgrade MUST be crafted in their inventory.

Reaper King Upgrading Stages[]

  • Tame a normal Reaper King.
  • Kill a Alpha Reaper King to unlock the Alpha Reaper Upgrade.
  • Kill Odracir, the Supreme Reaper King, to unlock the Supreme Reaper King Upgrade.

Once the Engrams have been discovered, you can craft the upgrades within a fully levelled Reaper Kings inventory. The first stage (Alpha Reaper King) requires a few resources, however the Supreme Reaper King Upgrade requires special resources dropped from Odracir, The Supreme Reaper King (Defensive Gift) and Psycho, the Supreme Warchief (Offensive Gift).

Reaper Engrams and Unlock Requirements:
Alpha Reaper King Upgrade Engram

Engram for Alpha Reaper King. Craftable within Reaper King Inventory.

Supreme Reaper King Upgrade Engram

Engram for Supreme Reaper King. Craftable within an Alpha Reaper King Inventory.


Black Pearl x1000

Diamond x10

Element x1000

Reaper Androstenone Gland (Red) x30

Reaper Pheromone Gland (Green) x30


Black Pearl x3000

Diamond x1000

Element Cluster x16

Primordial Matrix x1

Psycho's Offensive Gift x1

Pyscho's Defensive Gift x1

Reaper Androstenone Gland (Red) x300

Reaper Pheromone Gland (Green) x300

NOTE : The Tame or Natural Level of your Reaper King does not matter when upgrading it as once upgraded, its levels will reset to that of an Alpha or Supreme. The Supreme Reaper King counts as a Primordial Tame and so it can also be found in the Primodial Section.

Warchief Upgrading[]

  • Tame a Black Alpha Tribesman.
  • Kill Psycho, The Supreme Warchief, to get the Supreme Warchief Upgrade.
Supreme Warchief Engram and Upgrade Requirements
<icon missing>
<requirements missing>

Once the Engrams have been discovered, you can craft the upgrade within the fully levelled Black Alpha Tribesman inventory. Upgrading the Tribesman however requires special resources dropped from Odracir, The Supreme Reaper King (Defensive Gift) and Psycho, the Supreme Warchief (Offensive Gift).

NOTE : The Tame or Natural Level of your Black Alpha Tribesman does not matter when upgrading it as once upgraded, its levels will reset to that of a Supreme Warchief. The Supreme Warchief counts as a Primordial Tame and so it can also be found in the Primodial Section.
